
Dinka and Selah Adopts Elephant in Kenya

On Christmas Eve (2022), Dinka partnered with Selah Foundation to adopt an eleven month old baby elephant who was spotted wandering around a hill in Kenya.

The baby calf was alone and suffering from teething pain as well as a host of other health issues related to having to fend for herself at such a young age. After much love and care delivered by wildlife workers, she is now doing well and thriving as well as making new friends and exhibiting leadership qualities by helping other orphaned animals adjust to their new surroundings.

Dinka and Selah Foundation are committed to continuing contributions towards her care each year as well as making quarterly donations towards the care of other orphaned animals at the nursery.

As stewards of the planet, we have an obligation to care for all God’s animals and conserve our natural resources. Any little thing you can do is big in the eyes of God.

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